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Explore Chartway Group

Dover Road

CCE successfully completed all infrastructure, roads, drainage, parking areas, substructures and hard landscaping across the whole development at Dover Road, Sandwich.

Prior to commencement on site CCE completed the installation of a new S278 entrance. These initial works were completed with due consideration for the local thoroughfare and access for the adjacent property owners.

When a satisfactory entrance had been completed to allow construction traffic to enter the plot the subsoils in the proposed roads and plot footprints were stabilised to maintain a clean and productive working environment during the winter months.

A majority of the plots had a piled solution for the foundations due to the prevailing ground conditions and the stabilisation of the subsoils maintained a safe substrate for the piling contractor to complete their works.

Sector: Residential
Contract Value: £3.3m
Main Contractor: 95 weeks
Type of works: Groundworks, highways & surfacing
Status: Complete