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Thanet Way highways works

Thanet Way

The works comprise the construction of a new roundabout on the A2990 Old Thanet Way providing access to a new housing development. The works have been phased to accommodate safe vehicular and pedestrian access at all times with minimal disruption to the general public.

Key Issues and how they were managed:
Undertaking works to a public highway currently in use, meant the key issues below had to be carefully planned for:
• The importance of maintaining scheduled Bus flows and regular taxi movements have been considered by using manually operated portable traffic lights which were necessary to provide mandatory safe working zones for the construction workers.
• The pedestrian access in this location is particularly sensitive with a footway on one side of the road and this has been carefully maintained by the provision of segregation and diversionary corridors at all times.

Successful Outcomes, key targets and project measures:
The management of risk was greatly considered in conjunction with the requirements of the Chapter 8 Traffic Signs Manual and specific Traffic Regulation Orders that were enforced during the works, in order to reduce the speed of vehicles throughout this section of the Highway and enable them to be completed both safely, and to time and budget.

Lessons learned and Innovations and best practice:
Our experience gained from managing the works and traffic flow of this busy carriageway will prove valuable for future projects of a similar nature.

The works comprise the construction of a new roundabout on the A2990 Old Thanet Way providing access to a new housing development. The works have been phased to accommodate safe vehicular and pedestrian access at all times with minimal disruption to the general public.

Client: KCC Highways/Chartway Group
Sector: Highways
Value: £1,400,000
Duration: 30 weeks
Type of works: Groundworks, Highways & Surfacing